by Unibit Solutions | Feb 3, 2020 | Social Media
The month of love is here, bringing with it great opportunities for brand engagement. How can you make use of the Valentine’s Day spirit to get the public engaged with the brands your digital marketing franchise is promoting? Here are four tips to get your campaign...
by Unibit Solutions | Dec 21, 2015 | Social Media, Social Media Marketing
Keeping up with the social media marketing race can be arduous and often the content of some posts and blogs is tedious and tired. Yet certain companies just seem to be right on point when it comes to their social media campaigns, offering up fresh, engaging and...
by Unibit Solutions | May 4, 2015 | Social Media, Social Media Marketing
Most clients want to be seen as thought leaders on social media and almost any business owner will tell you it’s a great thing to be popular on social media. They do, however, need to see a return on investment for whatever they are paying you. Whether you’re using...