by Unibit Solutions | Jun 10, 2019 | Internet Marketing Strategies
The midpoint of the year is the perfect time to re-evaluate your business goals. It’s time to take a look at the goals you set for your business at the beginning of the year, and then to determine whether they are still relevant and realistic. Many times, the...
by Unibit Solutions | Nov 27, 2017 | Internet Marketing Strategies
You need to spend money to make money – that’s how the saying goes. Any marketing expert will tell you that marketing a business takes an investment of time and money. The good news for digital marketing franchises, however, is that online marketing can be...
by Unibit Solutions | Apr 18, 2016 | Internet Marketing Strategies, Search Engine Optimisation
There are literally hundreds of different things that could impact your client’s search rankings. As a digital marketing consultant, you’re probably used to being asked SEO questions that don’t always have an easy answer, such as “If I optimise my meta titles, will I...
by Unibit Solutions | Jan 25, 2016 | Internet Marketing Strategies, Online marketing strategy
At Unibit Solutions, we know exactly how tough it can be to sell digital marketing strategies. Too many internet marketing consultants get caught up in selling small pieces of work (a website, a once-off Facebook marketing campaign, a social media customer service...
by Unibit Solutions | Jan 11, 2016 | Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies
The digital marketing landscape continues to change each year. Your clients’ needs change, their industries change and your marketing strategies and service offering needs to adapt with the times. Providing internet marketing training as a service is a largely...
by Unibit Solutions | Jun 1, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies
As an internet marketer, you may think your number one goal is to drive a lot of traffic to your clients’ websites. This is what most people do when they enter the world of online marketing. It may come as a surprise when you try to measure the ROI you are giving your...
by Unibit Solutions | May 11, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies
It would be great if digital marketers could create quality content and focus on winning business without considering links and page rankings, but unfortunately that’s not how the internet works. Search engine crawlers use links to navigate themselves through the...
by Unibit Solutions | Oct 27, 2014 | Content Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies
Content marketing is a crucial component of your overall digital marketing strategy and as an Internet Marketing Consultant you undoubtedly want to deliver the best possible results for your clients. The way we write and present content has changed drastically with...
by Unibit Solutions | Sep 26, 2014 | Content Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies
Content marketing might be easy to sell thanks to the fact that business owners can easily see the value of running a blog, posting white papers and distributing articles – but it’s not always that easy to execute. There are few things as frustrating as working with a...
by Unibit Solutions | Sep 22, 2014 | Internet Marketing Strategies
Internet marketing solutions means different things to different people. For a business owner, this could mean anything from hosting a website to managing social media accounts. As an internet marketing consultant, you may be wondering if it’s worth your while to...