A successful digital marketing strategy is usually made up of comprehensive, multifaceted techniques which enhance brand awareness and grow the business. There are many variables and considerations which inform the development of online marketing that will be consistently implemented and effective.

Technology has enabled access to a variety of tools which facilitate data-driven administration and provide foundations for strategic planning, consumer/audience research, social media marketing and content marketing – creation and distribution – among others.

Below, our marketing experts provide one tool which you can apply for your clients’ digital marketing strategy development – Google Analytics. GOOGLE ANALYTICS is every webmaster’s best friend – you can track visits, measure referrals, leads, conversions and many other metrics which contribute to the above.

How you can develop personas using GOOGLE ANALYTICS

Once you know the metrics that GOOGLE ANALYTICS presents, it’s important to understand the traits, interests and characteristics of your user base. Using GOOGLE ANALYTICS, you can Google Analytics with a better insight into the efficacy of various elements on a client’s website through A/B testing – calls to action, content, links etc. GOOGLE ANALYTICS provides more intuitive information which can lead you deeper into understanding your audience.

Viewing demographics in GOOGLE ANALYTICS

Through GOOGLE ANALYTICS, you can receive back a little information that Google collects about your visitors through its network of products. This is done on the demographics segment in GOOGLE ANALYTICS, which you can view by slightly adjusting your site tracking code. To set up tracking, go to Audience then Demographics.

You may need to update your privacy policy to fall in line with Google’s standard, since Google is giving you access to users’ personal information. Of course, you won’t get any information which can personally identify users, but you’ll be a step closer to knowing the inner workings of your audience. Add the following line to your tracking code and you’re good to go.

Google Analytics (‘require’, ‘display features’);

This will give you information on age, affinity metrics and gender, amongst others, in all places of your site through GOOGLE ANALYTICS. Making this connection is a critical step in growing your online marketing campaign from leads to conversions.

For more information contact us today.