Most clients want to be seen as thought leaders on social media and almost any business owner will tell you it’s a great thing to be popular on social media. They do, however, need to see a return on investment for whatever they are paying you.

Whether you’re using content marketing, paid advertising or a combination of both, social media management is all about showing how effective you are. Here’s how to show your clients that your social media marketing efforts are effective:

Set goals

There’s no way you can show the effectiveness of your social media marketing if you don’t have goals. Make sure your goals are clear and write them down. Social media goals can be anything from ‘become a Top Contributor on three LinkedIn Groups’ to ‘grow your Facebook fan base by 15% in six months.’ Get buy in from your clients for these goals to make sure you are on the same page.

Test different strategies

If you’re goal is to become a Top Contributor on LinkedIn Groups, experiment with the type of content you share and who you engage in. Take notes, revisit the strategy and revise it on order to get closer to meeting your goals.

Report and ask questions

Use social media reporting tools, such as Hootsuite, so that you can create monthly social media marketing reports for your clients. These reports can show you everything from your engagement level, the growth of your followers on social media and who is sharing your content. Ask your clients if they’re happy and where they want you to improve.

Need help with your social media marketing? Then contact Unibit Solutions today.