There are many great digital marketing agencies across the globe, but most of them will tell you that the majority of their clients are from their city, province, and country. Business owners want to be able to deal with people who work in the same time zone and who have an understanding of the local market, which is why digital marketing agencies have to put in extra effort to market their agencies locally. Here are a few tips to get this right:

  1. Find Local Partnerships

Which news sites, sports venues, public spaces, and brands are well known in your location? Partnering with one (or multiple) well-known brands can vastly boost your agency’s visibility among people in your location. This will also add legitimacy to your brand.

  1. Engage Local Bloggers

Influencer marketing is not something that should be limited to the digital marketing strategies that you offer clients. Find influential bloggers and look at ways that you can marry the services you offer with the topics that they write about. This can be a highly effective way of getting the attention of local people who follow your account.

  1. Join a BNI Network

Business networks are a great way to get face-to-face meetings with people who could potentially become your clients. It is also a great way to get word-of-mouth referrals, which are still crucial in the business world.

  1. Build PR and journalism connections locally

Get to know the PR companies, reporters, and news agencies in your location. Let them know that you are happy to contribute editorial content and opinions if they ever need a credible source to comment on internet marketing or anything in the digital space.

Unibit Solutions offers social media marketing, SEO, content marketing and more. Contact us if you want to market your digital marketing agency more efficient.